
We’re always pleased to hear from couples who are interested in getting married in the church.

Getting Married Here
If you would like to be married at St Nicholas’ Parish church, the first step is to complete and return our Welcome Form to the Parish Office together with your preferred date.  You can download PDF Welcome Form here.  Once your completed form is recieved, our Parish Administrator will contact you to discuss the date and explain the process to you.

Wedding Banns
If you live in the parish but you’re marrying in a church elsewhere, you’ll usually need to have your banns published at  here, as well as in the church in which you will be married.  To arrange for this to happen, you can either download and complete our Banns Application Form (1) and return it to the Parish Office or contact the Parish Office on 01522 540614/email and one of the Parish Administrators will happily explain the process to you and send you the necessary form.

Reception Venue
The newly built St Nicholas Centre, which adjoins the church, is a bright, contemporary space. The upstairs room, which is suitable for up to 49 people, is ideal for a wedding breakfast or small wedding reception. We can also offer changing space within the St Nicholas Centre. Please enquire for availability and pricing.

With thanks to Darryl and Heather for the photo.